При публикации комментариев в поле ввода текста или в имени пользователя запрещается:

  1. Использовать мат, бранную и нецензурную лексику.
  2. Оскорбление авторов, героев статей, третьих лиц, публичные оскорбления других пользователей, проявляющиеся в любой форме.
  3. Публиковать сообщения рекламного характера, повторяющиеся сообщения, комментарии, не относящиеся к теме освещенной на странице сайта. Писать комментарии исключительно заглавными буквами.
  4. Публиковать ссылки на другие ресурсы.
  5. Писать комментарии с целью опорочить гражданина или отдельные категории граждан исключительно по признакам пола, возраста, расовой или национальной принадлежности, языка, отношения к религии, профессии и работы, места жительства, а также в связи с их политическими убеждениями, принадлежностью к социальной группе.
  6. Публикация материалов или информации о группах, признанных экстремистскими.
  7. Распространение материалов, пропагандирующих или содержащих порнографию, культ насилия и жестокости
  8. Публикация персональных данных, включая телефоны и адреса героев материала, редакции, прочих лиц.
  9. Публиковать информацию о способах, методах разработки, изготовления и использования, местах приобретения наркотических, психотропных и других вредных для здоровья веществ.
  10. Призывать к осуществлению действий, направленных на нарушение территориальной целостности или подрывающих основы конституционного строя, в том числе призывы к вооружённому мятежу, свержению, захвату или удержанию власти насильственным путём.
  11. Разглашение сведений, составляющих государственную или иную специально охраняемую законом тайн. Прочие действия, запрещённые законами и подзаконными актами.

Пользователи, использующие функцию комментариев на сайте, предоставляют редакции право на использование их комментариев или их фрагментов.

Order a website

In this section are presented the basic positions of our price list. In an effort to be as convenient as possible for customers, we are ready to discuss other options for Web services and their cost. It all depends on your assigned tasks.

!!!FREE!!! We produce the first consultation to potential clients and continuously for acting.

The cost of site creating

  • Executive Website - 5000 som, 2 weeks
  • OnePage Site - 4000 som, 2 weeks
  • Online Shop - 8000 som, 2-3 weeks
  • Site-card - 2500 soms, 1 week
  • others - on request

All prices and time indicated previously. Every single order requires further study and consultation. Fill out and send us a request
After the formation of technical specifications and price terms can clarify in greater and in the smaller side. What you provide: the desired menu items, text and graphic content pages.

In case of your interest in the service, "turnkey website" to the principal amount necessary to add about 500-800 som.
This service "turnkey website" in addition to creating a site further includes:
- Domain name registration for 1 year and its setting;
- Choice and pay the hosting site for 1 year and posting it on the site.

The compensation shall be approved at the stage of harmonization of conditions of cooperation

The cost of site promotion

1. Standard - 1000 som / month, a period of not less than 6 months, up to 100 keywords in the TOP10 output guarantee more than 50%
We are: analyze your website according to the degree of readiness for search engine promotion, form a list of necessary work to improve your website in terms of search engine optimization.
You: assert a list of keywords, all produce their own work on the site, including search engine optimization of the site.

2. Guarant - 2400 soms first month, in the subsequent 1400 som / month, a period of not less than 6 months, up to 100 keywords guarantee TOP10 output in more than 90%
We: produce full range of necessary work on search engine optimization, content and updating of the site in the period of cooperation.
You: assert a list of keywords involved in promoting the site occasionally, in cases where need more information about products and services, as well as your organization

The order of payment: monthly 100% advance payment by the 10th of the current month.

Cost of support sites

The proposal for this type of service will be able to form only after studying your site and information about the planned scope of works and their periodicity. One-time maintenance work on sites that were not created with our help, do not take into consideration.

For example: the content of the site weekly for 1-2 pages without search engine optimization will produce 200-300 som/month.
The service site included the issues of interaction with technical support hosting operator, regular backups of the website and update its existing software code components.

Additional services for websites

If you are our client all the additional services we perform for free, you only pay the cost of third party services (registrar of domain names, web hosting provider, ...) and additional bank charges when it occur.

If you are not our client and have not ordered before we design, promotion, support site, then take advantage of our additional services can on the basis of 100% prepayment, namely:

Register a domain name and setting - domain fee + 80 som
*you pay the cost of registering a domain name you have selected your chosen registrar. We can only advise the other, more profitable registrar

Transferring site hosting - 250 som
* this amount includes the full range of site placement on the new hosting site with the necessary consultations with the technical support of the hosting provider. This amount does not include the cost of hosting the site.


The analysis showed that a large proportion of domestic web development is not always up to date, and many "sickly" sites. We are ready to change the already established opinion - to order a good site should refer to foreign developers. And there, and price accordingly, and the lack of understanding of national mentality.

In our portfolio you find the only living sites. They work and have high rankings in the search engines.

Our works


Create a website according to your wishes and themes. We offer you not just a website, but a way of attracting hundreds of new clients. Customers are looking for you. We will help you sell products and services online. Website development attractive appearance with the opening of mobile devices increases in times of business opportunities. Today, a successful business can only be from sites. The site should have a high position in the search engines, while customers will find you. Do you want that? It's simple. Create a site, placing it as much as possible information about the goods or services with each passing day increases the rating of the site to leave behind their competitors. You know how to do it? If not, wait for your request or call.

How to start? Need a website - order it from us. Perform all work in the stipulated time. The accumulated experience and the best prices enable us to be effective helpers of our business partners. Do not wait, competitors are not asleep. In the competition for the speed people say "win the start - win the race".

It all starts with a simple. If you do not have a website, we recommend that you seek the advice of our experts. For his part, undertake to be very pragmatic and offer real help to accommodate your needs and opportunities. To start a new site enough to implement your ideas into a few web pages and share them with basic information to visitors, to get feedback and early orders with Internet.

If you have a website, but for some reason requires updating or improvements. In this situation, our specialists will be able to qualitatively analyze your site and tell the current trends in the development of web technologies and assess their applicability in accordance with your wishes.

There is a nice site, but it is not popular among the visitors. The reason - the low ranking in the search engines. Our services will help you get your site good results in the short term. A month or two or three, and you are among the leaders in its industry in the Internet space - this is what we can do. We provide a full range of services to achieve the desired results from the creation of a site until its withdrawal in top positions in the search engines Google and Yandex. The time when all buy in the markets and shops, go away.

We will be glad to assist in the development and promotion of your business