site for cinena

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Cinema chain Tamosho Dushanbe - is a place where visitors can get acquainted with all the novelties of the world Cinématographe.

What is presented on this site? First of all, as it should be on the websites of this category, this is afisha with showtimes. There are showtimes demonstrated movies, announcements of future films with trailers, cinema hall, contact and other useful information for cinema visitors.

This site was created by members of our team for the Navruz theater. Currently, our team is engaged in service of the site. We make constant updating of information on the website, update the software code of a site, as well as maintain a high ranking website in search engines. Form in the search engines Google and Yandex query "cinema Navruz" and see for yourself. Website promotion is satisfied with all the modern requirements of search engines.

Especially for this resource we have finalized the opportunity for commercial advertising on the site.

This site also by means of our team is represented in the social network Facebook. Page link It is a modern way to promote their products and services. This page has about 4 million subscribers.